In the character editor you can assign voices to the characters that appear in the stories.
You can also assign a name to the character. The name is just for reference if the character is addressed in a story to always use the same spelling.
The characters in the first row are the basic Duolingo cast. We want to keep their names as close to the original as possible. Just adjust them to the spelling of the target language.
For example, if your language does not have a "v" and uses a "w" instead, you are able to change Vikram's name to "Wikram"
As for these ones, feel free to change them to whatever you want to fit your language! For example, If you're making Finnish stories, use Finnish names. It will help the stories seem more realistic.
You can add tags on to the end of your TTS to modify it: the rate at which the character speaks and the pitch at which they speak. For example, to make Junior sound more like a child, I can make him speak faster and higher by adding tags, so I put it-IT-ElsaNeural(pitch=x-high)(rate=fast) in the Speaker section.
Pitch has 5 levels:
, low
, medium
, high
, x-high
Rate has 5 levels:
, slow
, medium
, fast
, x-fast
Feel free to use these, or not.