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Каждый день
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speakerКаждыйevery деньday

speakerНикита иand Лена в ресторанеin a restaurant.
headspeakerЯI обычноusually емeat на работеat work…...
headspeakerноbut этиthese блюдаdishes выглядятlook вкусноdelicious.
Lena thinks the dishes look delicious.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
headspeakerДаyes яI оченьvery much люблюlike этотthis ресторанrestaurant!
headspeakerЯI хочуwant пиццуa pizza с большим количествомwith a large amount сыраof cheese.
headspeakerПиццаthe Pizza здесьhere вкусная(is) delicious.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerЧтоWhat тыyou будешьwill естьeat?
headspeakerТоThat же(emphasizer) самоеsame блюдоdish, котороеwhich яI заказываюorder ежедневноdaily.
headspeakerИAnd какоеwhich блюдоdish ты ешь(do) you eat каждыйevery деньday?
headspeakerБутербродa sandwich безwithout мясаmeat иand безwithout сыраcheese.
How does Nikita normally have his sandwich?
  • With tuna and mayonnaise.
  • Without meat and without cheese.
  • With chicken and carrots.
headspeakerЭээuh…... толькоonly хлебbread?!
What is Lena asking?
  • If Nikita is basically only eating bread.
  • Which pizza Nikita recommends.
  • If he's allergic to cheese.
headspeakerНетno, яI не люблюdon't like хлебbread.
What comes next?
headspeakerНоBut, яI'm обожаюcrazy about овощиvegetables иand особенноespecially помидорыtomatoes!
  • хлебbread
  • мясоmeat
  • помидорыtomatoes
  • сырcheese
headspeakerКаждыйevery деньday яI емeat бутербродa sandwich
headspeakerбез мясаwithout meat иand без хлебаwithout bread…
headspeakerиand с большим количествомwith lots овощейof vegetables иand помидоров(of) tomatoes!
headspeakerЭтоThat's же(emphasizer) простоsimply салатa salad!
Lena is amused because Nikita's everyday dish…
  • has too many calories.
  • is basically just a salad.
  • is not a vegetarian option.
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Tap the pairs