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Dē Medicō Eduardō
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speakerdoctor MedicōEddy Eduardō

speakerEduardusEddy estis inat macellō(the) market.
speakerFēminaWoman quaedam(a) certain eumhim alloquiturspeaks to.
A woman talks to Eddy at the supermarket.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAhoh, salvēhello et (to) you too!
headspeakerEsneare you medicus(a) doctor?
headspeakerMēneme medicuma doctor? Hmmuh
headspeakerEtiamYes indeed. Medicus(a) doctor sumI am.
headspeakerBeneWell edepolby Pollūx narrāsyou tell!
speakerEduardusEddy nōn estis not medicus(a) doctor.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEst mihiI have magna pecūnia(a) lot of money.
headspeakerInIn grandī(a) grand domōhouse habitōI live.
headspeakerBrācaeTrousers meaemy magnīhigh suntare pretiīof price.
headspeakerTeneōI see...
headspeakerAtBut illethat (man) medicō(a) doctor magnoperereally indigetneeds!
headspeakerJacethe is lying propenear lac(the) milk!
headspeakerAgeCome on,, to him auxilium fergive help!
The man who needs help is near the…
  • …station.
  • …tomatoes.
  • …milk.
headspeakerGraviterGravely enimsince aegersick esthe is!
Choose the option that means "sick."
headspeakerAttatoh no!
speakerEduardusEddy aliamanother mulieremwoman aspicitsees eamqueand her alloquiturtalks to.
headspeakerSalvēhello, esneare you medica(a) doctor?
What happened in the story?
  • Eddy started med school to become a doctor.
  • Eddy pretended to be a doctor to impress a woman.
  • Eddy saved a man at the supermarket.
Tap the pairs