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Un café, ples!
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Una cafécoffee, plesplease!

EddyEddy esis inat una restauranterestaurant conwith su filiohis son, JuniorJunior.
headSalutehello, EddyEddy. Vole tuyou want una cafécoffee?
The woman asks Eddy if he wants a coffee.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headYesyes, una grandbig tassecup deof cafécoffee, plesplease.
headConwith oor sinwithout lactemilk?
headConwith lactemilk, plesplease.
headEand conwith oor sinwithout sucresugar?
headConwith sucresugar, plesplease.
headAnc yoI also volewant una tassecup deof cafécoffee!
Junior says that he…
  • …wants coffee too.
  • …wants to go home.
  • …needs to go to the bathroom.
headJuniorJunior? Tuyou volewant cafécoffee?
headYesyes, yoI volewant una tassecup conwith lactemilk
head eand conwith sucresugar
head eand conwith gelateice cream!
What does Junior want in his coffee?
  • more coffee
  • ice cream
  • a salad and fries
headConwith gelateice cream?
headYesyes, eand sinwithout cafécoffee, plesplease!
headAhoh tuyou volewant una frappatemilkshake?
Choose the option that means "milkshake."
un ?
headYesyes, plesplease!
Tap what you hear
headAnc yoI also volewant una frappatemilkshake!
headDutwo frappatesmilkshakes, plesplease!
Oh, Junior! He ordered coffee…
  • …but Eddy drank it all.
  • …because he wanted to have more energy.
  • …but he really wanted a milkshake.
Tap the pairs