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Una familha pergranda
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speakerUnaa familha pergrandavery big family

speakerSalmaSalma vais going to conacir(to) meet la familha d'AnaAna's family.
headspeaker¡AnaAna! ¡La meamy filha prajagadafavorite daughter!
headspeakerJxaha, jxaha, jxaha, jxaha ¡Mamom, tuyou jüsonly teneshave unaone filhadaughter!
Ana's mom has many daughters.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerAchathis is la meamy nuçagirlfriend, SalmaSalma.
Choose the option that means "girlfriend."
la mea , .
headspeaker¡Bonjorgood morning!
headspeaker¡SalmaSalma, aquéstthis is lo meumy fratélbrother, TomásTomás!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEiand this, aquéstis my lo meugrandfather avi.
headspeakerBonjorgood morning.
headspeaker¡Aquéstthis is lo meumy pafather, eiand aquéstthis is lo meumy fratélbrother, JulJul!
headspeaker¡Bonjorgood morning! ¡Holahello!
headspeakerAquéstthis is lo meumy fratélbrother, MarioMario, eiand lo meumy fratélbrother, XavéiXavéi.
headspeakerHolahello, MarioMario. Holahello, XavéiXavéi.
Select the missing phrase
headspeaker¡Tenesyou have unaa familha pergrandavery big family!
headspeakerProebut joI jüsonly tenohave unaone filhadaughter
headspeaker¡Pardonisorry! Aranow, tenoI have doistwo filhasdaughters
headspeaker¡Bonarrivayawelcome ato lathe familhafamily, SalmaSalma!
headspeaker¡Graciyathank you!
Why does Ana's mother say she has two daughters now?
  • She remembered that Ana has a sister.
  • She is welcoming Salma into the family.
  • She had a baby while Salma was there.
Tap the pairs