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Meir plass
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speakerMeirmore plassspace

speakerKristofferSergio, eina venfriend avof juniorjunior, pratartalks to medhis dad faren sin.
headspeakerEgI trengneed eina jobbjob pappaDad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerKristofferKristoffer, du eryou are åtte år gamaleight years old.
headspeakerDu treng ikkjeyou don't need eina jobbjob.
headspeakerMewe trengneed meirmore pengmoney!
headspeakerMewe harhave pengmoney, KristofferKristoffer!
headspeakerMewe trengneed meirmore pengmoney for å kjøpain order to buy eita nytt husnew house!
headspeakerDettethis husethouse eris fortoo litesmall.
Choose the option that means "small."
er .
headspeakerKristofferKristoffer! Dettethis husethouse eris ikkjenot litesmall (neuter)!
headspeakerOgand viwe trengneed eina nynew bilcar.
headspeakerFordibecause hanit (he) eris fortoo litensmall (masculine).
headspeakerMewe trengneed meirmore plassspace!
What does Kristoffer mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeakerMeirmore plassspace?
headspeakerMewe trengneed plassspace forfor babyenthe baby, pappaDad!
Choose the option that means "baby."
Me treng plass , !
headspeakerKvawhat babybaby?
headspeakerDenthe nyenew babyen(the) baby hjåof mammaMom!
headspeakerMammamom?! Eina babybaby?!
headspeakerGår det braare you OK, pappaDad?
headspeakerMewe trengneed eita nyttnew hushouse ogand eina nynew bilcar.
headspeakerOgand jayes, mewe trengneed mykjemuch meirmore plassspace!
What did Kristoffer tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
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