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speakerVegetarianaren the vegetarian

speakerVikramVikram lesreads menyenthe menu in eina veldigvery finnice restaurantrestaurant.
headspeakerGod morgongood morning.
headspeakerEgI harhave eita spørsmålquestion.
headspeakerEgI eram vegetarianara vegetarian.
headspeakerHar dedo you have vegetarmatvegetarian food?
Vikram wants to know if they serve vegetarian food.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJayes, me harwe have nokresome veldigvery godegood skinkesmørbrødham sandwiches.
headspeakerSkinkesmørbrødham sandwiches? Eg erI am vegetarianara vegetarian.
headspeakerÅoh, jayes... OrsakI'm sorry.
headspeakerMewe harhave eina diggdelicious kyllingchicken.
According to the waiter, their chicken is…
  • …not very tasty.
  • …gluten free.
  • …delicious.
headspeakerKyllingchicken eris kjøtmeat.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerOgand egI et ikkjedon't eat kjøtmeat!
headspeakerMewe harhave salatarsalads...
headspeakerÅoh! EgI likerlike salatarsalads!
Vikram likes…
  • …the waiter.
  • …salads.
  • …lots of meat.
headspeakerDet erthere is eina salatsalad medwith tomattomato, ostcheese, lakssalmon..
headspeakerEgI et ikkjedon't eat lakssalmon! EgI am era vegetarian vegetarianar!
headspeakerMewe harhave pommes fritesfries!
headspeakerGreitOK, pommes fritesfries...
What food did Vikram order in the end?
  • fries
  • chicken
  • salmon
headspeakerPommes fritesfries. Perfektperfect! Ogand eina burgarhamburger?
headspeakerEg et ikkjeI don't eat kjøtmeat!
Why is Vikram so upset?
  • He's tired of being a vegetarian.
  • The waiter kept offering him meat.
  • The waiter spilled coffee on him.
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