O EddyEddy eand o seu amigohis friend ÓscarÓscar, estãoare numat an museu de arteart museum. O EddyEddy olha paralooks at athe pinturapainting deof uma cãodog. Eddy is looking at a painting of a cat.
Yes, that's right.
No, that's wrong.
Estathis é ais minhamy pintura favoritafavorite painting!Select the missing phrase
Essa pintura é aborrecidathat painting is boring.
O quêwhat? Os cãesdogs sãoare muitovery divertidosfun!
EddyEddy, souI am um professor de artesan art teacher.
... eand essathat pinturapainting não éis not arteart.
Arteart éis interesanteinteresting!
Arteart éis fascinantefascinating!O ÓscarÓscar vêsees umaa sandessandwich numaon a cadeirachair.
Aquilothat éis arteart!
Umaa sandessandwich numaon a cadeirachair?
Simyes, éit is interessanteinteresting eand fascinantefascinating! Othe artistaartist éis incrívelincredible!
Ahoh… euI não entendodon't understand arteart.What does Eddy mean?
He wants to sit down.
He doesn't understand art.
He doesn't like Óscar at all.
Uma homemman chegaarrives eand comeeats athe sandessandwich.
Desculpeexcuse me? O que pensa que está a fazerwhat do you think you're doing! Issothat éis arteart!
O quewhat? Issothis não éis not arteart, éit's o meumy almoçolunch!Did you get that? Oscar thought…
…the man's lunch was art.
…the man was a famous artist.
…Eddy ate all of the art in the museum.
Tap the pairs