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Juniors avgjørelse
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speakerJuniorsJunior's avgjørelsedecision

speakerDetit eris lunsjtidlunch time at skolen til JuniorJunior's school.
headspeakerGodgood morgenmorning, jegI eram veldigvery sultenhungry.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHeihello, JuniorJunior. I dagtoday har viwe have kyllingchicken.
headspeakerogand medwith kyllingenthe chicken...
headspeakerkancan duyou get salatsalad elleror pommes fritesfries.
Junior can get either salad or fries with the chicken.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerJeg vil haI want pommes fritesfries ogand salat(a) salad!
headspeakerDuyou kancan bareonly get énone avof delenethe parts (the two), JuniorJunior.
headspeakerVelwell, jegI elskerlove pommes fritesfries
headspeakerogand det kommer til å væreit's going to be ena veldigvery langlong dagday...
headspeaker menbut salatsalad eris sunnerehealthier.
Choose the option that means "healthier."
headspeakerPommes fritesfries elleror salatsalad? Hmmhmm
headspeakerOKOK, Jeg vil haI want pommes fritesfries Neino! Salatsalad! Neino!
headspeakerÅhoh, jeg vet ikkeI don't know!
Poor Junior! What problem does he have?
  • He ate too many fries.
  • He wants ice cream in his salad.
  • He can't choose between a salad and fries.
headspeakerÅhoh! Jayes?
headspeakerVær godhere you go! Pommes fritesfries ogand salat(a) salad tilfor degyou.
What did Mrs. Pérez tell Junior to do?
  • Go somewhere else to eat.
  • Take both the fries and the salad.
  • Imagine that fries are salad.
Tap the pairs