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O jogador de basquete
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speakerO jogador de basquetethe basketball player

speakerO VikramVikram eand a PritiPriti vão às comprasgo shopping.
headspeakerO que precisamos comprarwhat do we need to buy no supermercadoin the supermarket?
headspeakerPrecisamos dewe need leitemilk, arrozrice, feijãobeans...
headspeakerVikramVikram! Olhalook! Éit's elehim!
headspeakerOndeWhere? QuemWho?
headspeakerO teuyour jogador de basquete favoritofavorite basketball player!
Who does Priti see?
  • Vikram's favorite basketball player
  • her favorite baseball player
  • some people playing a game
headspeakerNão éit's not elehim!
headspeakerSimyes éit's elehim! Fala comtalk to elehim!
headspeakerNãono, estouI am demasiadotoo nervosonervous!
Choose the option that means "nervous."
, !
headspeakerMasbut VikramVikram Olhalook!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerVocêsyou têmhave osthe mesmossame sapatosshoes!
speakerO jogador de basquetethe basketball player olha paralooks at o VikramVikram eand a PritiPriti.
headspeakerOhoh, nãono, PritiPriti, ele está olhando para nóshe's looking at us!
Why is Vikram worried?
  • The basketball player can't see.
  • He can't see his shoes.
  • The basketball player is looking at them.
headspeakerSimyes eand ele está vindohe's coming para here!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerO que façoWhat do I do?!
headspeakerFala comtalk to elehim!
headspeakerTenhoI have to que ir(to) go!
headspeakerAmoI love os seusyour sapatosshoes.
Why did the basketball player want to talk to Vikram?
  • He wants Vikram to join his team.
  • He wants Vikram to cook beans for him.
  • He and Vikram are wearing the same shoes.
Tap the pairs