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Daha Çok Alan
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speakerDaha Çokmore Alanspace

speakerJunior'ınJunior's arkadaşı(his) friend SerhatSerhaat, babası(his) dad ilewith konuşurtalks.
headspeakerBira işejob ihtiyacım var(I) need, babacığımDad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSerhatSerhat, senyou sekizeight yaşındasın(you are) years old.
headspeakerBira işejob ihtiyacın yok(you) do not need.
headspeakerDaha çokmore parayamoney ihtiyacımız var(we) need.
headspeakerParamız var(we) have money, SerhatSerhat.
headspeakerYeninew bira evhouse satın almakto buy içinin order to daha çokmore parayamoney ihtiyacımız var(we) need.
headspeakerButhis evhouse fazlatoo küçük(is) small.
Choose the option that means "small."
headspeakerSerhatSerhat! Buthis evhouse küçüksmall değil(is) not!
headspeakerVeand yeninew bira arabayacar ihtiyacımız var(we) need.
headspeakerÇünkübecause fazlatoo küçük(it is) small.
headspeakerSerhat Serhat
headspeakerDaha çokmore alanaspace. ihtiyacımız var(we) need.
What does Serhat mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeakerDaha çokmore alanspace [question word]?
headspeakerBebekthe baby içinfor alanaspace ihtiyacımız var(we) need babaDad.
Choose the option that means "baby."
ihtiyacımız var .
headspeakerNewhat bebeğibaby?
headspeakerAnneminmom's yeninew bebeği(her) baby.
headspeakerAnnen(your) mom mi(question particle)?! Bebekbaby mi(question particle)?!
headspeakerİyiOkay misinare you, babaDad?
headspeakerYeninew bira evehouse veand yeninew bira arabayacar ihtiyacımız var(we) need!
headspeakerVeand evetyes, daha çok more alanaspace ihtiyacımız var(we) need!
What did Serhat tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
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